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A member registered Mar 26, 2019

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(1 edit)

I am always looking for GM-less two-player experiences, and this one perfectly fits the bill - If both players are in a creative enough headspace.

In your classic Party-based RPG, the GM has to do a lot of heavy lifting with creative interpretation of the source material - Here, both players have to take care of  worldbuilding and dramatic tension together.

I loved that there were good incentives to create other NPCs, apart from Scientist and Creation, and in our playthrough those NPCs became 3-dimensional characters in their own right. This is accomplished with lots of questions that focus on the feelings and relationships of the characters.

The world itself is (intentionally) left vague - But there is some flavorful, minimalist artwork that does a great job at evoking all those tropes of gothic horror that are probably already in the heads of those who find the pitch of this RPG appealing.

The only caveat is, that I don't see a lot of replayability here - it was a great, cinematic experience that leaves me wanting for more of the same, but different :)

I'd love to see a toolkit for creating your own stories, or just a spiritual sequel in a completely different setting.

Those tiles are so beautiful, they inspired me to write a roguelike around them - I'll let you know if it becomes playable :)